Bos the Boveline

Bos is a Felis taurus or a feline bovine. He is, in the simplest of terms, a cat cow,

Boveline’s are the gentlest of creatures and the most dangerous of predators. They are a peculiar creature in that they can fit into whatever environment they find themselves in. It isn’t just within Wonderland that creatures can magically shift in size! There is a captivating parallel between Alice's experience and our boveline’s enchanting ability to drastically change in size. Just as Alice shrinks and grows within the topsy-turvy Wonderland, Bos can magically shift from the tiniest of creatures to the largest. Able to fit into keyholes and just as easily wrap around buildings. Like Alice's adventures, encountering a boveline opens up a realm of endless wonder and fascination, where dreams boldly become reality.

Bos, another beast from the high plains of Wyoming, was one of the first creatures to join the menagerie. Bos would fill the great landscapes of the west, stretching over miles of plains and mountains. His white mane filled the huge western skies like the rolling clouds Wyoming is known for. A massive beast, the expansive land great enough to fit him. Bos is a protector of cattle. Sheltering 1000 head from blistering wind and bearing his teeth at coyotes threating steak for dinner. In the past, ranchers would leave out offerings to the boveline, ensuring their cattles safety during harsh months and calving seasons. The most dedicated of cowboys took care in growing their own catnip for this very thing. Boveline, like most feline, love catnip.

People who have dared travel, moving far far from home, and diving into everything they don’t know, are well versed in the feeling of homesickness. Even when a home is made someplace else and even if the someplace else becomes more home than home was… homesickness can linger in places you never thought to look.

When Ariana Fate moved from Wyoming, she had to take it’s magic with her. Wyoming’s extraordinary ability to make someone feel small and large at the same time, its utter expansiveness and its wild wild wind, was not something anyone would want to give up. So she didn’t and she took Bos with her. A protector of cattle and a patron of the big big wild.


Turtle Tooth


Belfry Bat