This is a little monster.

Not much is known about this illusive little feller but what we do know…he’s a gigantic beast in a little package.

We don’t exactly know what he is. More monster than beast. In the wild you might find one of these furry creatures tucked away in your lawnmower engine or hidden in your sock drawer. They only want to help but their curiosity for humans and quite frankly any other living thing gets the best of them and their “help” becomes…troublesome. Like a cat leaving a dead bird at your feet, little monsters will gift you things you may not have asked for.

They might put bones under your pillows and give you nightmares. Maybe you wish for better air conditioning on a hot summer day and they break all of the windows in your house. Be careful what you wish for when you suspect a little monster of hiding in your home. And if you do find yourself with a pest problem such as this, hang bells in your doorways and put crystals in your pockets. Any protection spell or superstitious belief will work. Lucky underwear or your grandmothers favorite snap on earrings will ward of this kind of beast.

Fate Greenhouses and Beast Menagerie keeps this little monster’s mischief at bay with lots of jungle gyms and puzzles. Though he is small, our little monster requires space! And that is exactly what we gave him. This little monster lives on an acre of land, chalk full of walnut and mulberry trees. He eats the sweet cherries that grow each year and you can find him indulging on the rotten apples falling from the trees in the fall. Solomon Grundy and the Crows are the the only creature within our menagerie who brave the little monsters company. Perhaps it’s Grundy’s nine lives or their shared affinity for curiosity.


Gruff The Beast


Garden Spirit